Poison is coming in your house, not bottled water…! This shocking revelation happened in the research

Poison is coming in your house, not bottled water…!  This shocking revelation happened in the research

Most people in India use bottled water. Whenever you go out and you feel thirsty, first of all you buy a water bottle without thinking anything. Even youth, students and most people living in cities use bottled water for drinking. This bottled water comes in between Rs.20 to Rs.100. But do you know how dangerous this water is for your health.

A research found that about 10 plastic particles are found in every one liter water bottle and these plastic particles are so much. They are so small that you cannot see them with your eyes and when you drink this water, this plastic directly reaches your body, which after some time becomes the cause of serious problems in your body.

What does the research say

According to a news published in BBC, Orb Media conducted a research on 250 water bottles found in about 9 countries around the world. And what came out in this research surprised everyone. In this research, it was found that on an average 10 plastic particles are found in every one liter plastic water bottle. These particles are so small that you cannot see them with naked eyes, however with water they reach your body and spoil your health. The width of these plastic particles is bigger than your hair. Scientists from the State University of New York, Fredonia, were also involved in this research. Many water bottles available in the market are also included. That is, the water bottles you buy in your city, towns have plastic particles in them, which can make you sick. So if you go anywhere, take a water bottle from home. Try whether this water bottle is of glass or copper. Because you carry water in any plastic bottle, it will be harmful for you.

How does plastic come in water bottle

The bottles in which water is sold are of very high quality. However, the quality of the lids fitted to these bottles is not good. It is believed that due to this lid plastic comes in the bottle. Experts believe that people who trade water should pay attention to this problem and if possible improve the quality of the lid used in these bottles.

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